Muscle Diary 101

Muscle Diary 101

Sunday 13 March 2016

Day 4 March 12

So I didn't go to the gyn yesterday as my back and lats were still too sore from Wednesday when I did chin ups. The chin up muscles hadn't been used in quite a while so no wonder I had a good case of DOMS!

Anyhow I worked out at home this morning and it made for a nice change. Two weeks ago I bought some weights from Aldi so I have a barbell and two dumbells. The weights are massive - not!

They comprise of:

  • 4 x 2kg
  • 4 x 1.25kg
  • 4 x 1kg
No great shakes really so for some exercises I just did more reps. Anyhow snce I am new to weight training it pays to have a light day every so often.

I started with some push ups which I hadn't done in a while:

3 sets of push ups ( 10, 15, 20 reps)


3 x 20 bent over row
3 x 5 deadlifts

This was an interesting super set as the weight was too light for BOW but ideal to add a few deadlifts to the end of the set.

For the deadlifts I just concentrated on perfect form and was happy that the weight was light.

3 x 12 Squats

3 x 12 Babell shoulder press

3 x 12 tricep dips using a chair


3 x 12 barbell bicep curls
3 x 25 calf raises (on the stairs)

I was cautious to engage my core during the workout but to finish I also did the plank for around a minute.

My big takeway is that I need to buy a few more weights if I want to work out at home properly. Working out at home makes for a nice pace of change from working out in the gym and I'd recommend it if you are after a light workout.

The Barbarian Twins

I remember being in the gym when I was younger working out to get stronger for triatlhons and aquathons.

I tihnk that it was in a Muscle & Fitness magazine that I saw an article about the Barbarian Twins.

The Barbarian twins are actually David and Peter Paul and you can read more about them here on

Here is Lee Priest talking about the Barbarian Brothers:

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